Etatron Chemical Dosing Pump
The Etatron PKX MA/A range of Solenoid Dosing Pumps is ideal for dosing systems requiring low flow rates. These compact pumps come with configurable foot or wall mount brackets and offer flow rates up to 5 L/H and operating pressures up to 5 bar. The pump features a PP head with lip or ceramic ball valves and an optional auto-bleed. It comes in 230v with low voltage options and a removable power cable. Each pump includes an accessory kit with a PP injection valve, foot filter, and 2m of suction/discharge tubing.
Etatron Dosing Pump Price in Pakistan
Kamadi Pakistan, the leading online store, offers the PKX MA/A chemical dosing pump at the best price. It also provides after-sales service support and free delivery to all major towns.
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